Since I was a teenager I attended the Catholic Church, following all of the religious rituals faithfully and even organizing various activities with the hope to earn God’s favor. Still, I lived with the fear that all I was doing was not enough to cover all of my sins. My wife, Nicoletta, and I heard the good news of salvation through faith in Christ alone at a gospel music workshop. She began attending TriestEvangelica though I didn’t want to change “religions.” So I began to read the Bible with the hope to convince her of the good teachings that we had received in our past. Reading his Word and hearing it preached, I recognized what Christ truly did on the cross. Now we are continuing to organize gospel music workshops, praying that people can hear the good news and that their lives can be transformed as he transformed ours. I have now had the opportunity to serve as an elder at TriestEvangelica and the desire to share with my people the joy, the hope, and the peace that I have found in Christ alone.
Born and raised as a Catholic, I lived daily in the local catholic church. When I was about 30 I began to feel the weight of my irreversible sin and I did not know how to escape from it. I saw Jesus dead on the cross and I knew that it was because of my sin, but I was not able to see victory until at a gospel music workshop I heard there for the first time the GOOD NEWS. After years of searching I learned that not only in Italy but even in Trieste there were evangelical churches. God guided me to the right church and as soon as I began to study the Bible, it became clear to me what the gospel was and the purpose of Jesus’ sacrifice. God wanted to bless me even more as He converted at the same time my husband. God has rocked our lives, He has blessed our family and now we are living happily, with peace and fervor to bring the message of salvation to our city.
What is our Ministry vision?
We want to see lives transformed by the gospel and more churches established in and around Trieste by his grace. This will be done through the formation of church leaders and by the church’s testimony towards the unbelieving that our hope is in Christ alone. Our proclamation of the gospel will be seen in gospel communities where we demonstrate our love for Christ and for our brothers and sisters.
In the last few years God put us in a privileged position to pastor the church and be actively involved in Impatto Italia (Acts 29 in Italy), a church planting churches movement.
What is our role and mission in this vision?
- to encourage the church to be Gospel centered
- the ministry of preaching the word and praying for the saints and to be active in the training of new godly leaders
- to participate in the establishment of, God willing, gospel communities (3 in the first two years, 7 in the first five years, 20 in the first ten years) and churches in Trieste and the surrounded area
- to establish social ministries
- to establish businesses that have the goal of bringing redemption to the workplace, as there will be a platform for discipleship for Christian workers and an opportunity for evangelization for unbelievers, as well as a means to bring jobs to the church and support for our activities
How you can support us
- We need prayer support as we take the gospel deeper into Trieste
- We need financial support for our family and ministry